Friday, October 07, 2005

Moo, and home values

You all wish you be Garrett's dog, and be this happy about absolutely nothing...

either he is full, or the carpet is soft, or someone was just petting him, or whatever it is...ahhhh, the simple life of licking your nuts, eating, sleeping, and pooping...

and for those of you not into puppy dogs and pooping discussions, how about this. at a recent seminar talking about trends in the home market and the "bursting bubble", they ended with these conclusions:

  • Evidence that home prices have moved up faster in recent months than inflation and income, but long-term evidence suggests this increase may have been just "catch-up"
  • Some likelihood of bubble developing slow leak, but with low rates and good consumer sentiment, probability of bubble pop is low
  • OR and WA appear in good shape and long-term demographic trends suggest some ease in rate of growth, but no bursting of bubble.

Which means, I hope you were able to latch on to a house in the last 5 years, becuase it sounds like the recent home price value increases are here to stay. Which appears to be good to the tune of at least $40k for me, and way more for people like James that bought in very valuable areas. I wouldn't be surprised if James made $100k just becuase of the current market... Damn

1 comment:

Gina Grace said...

Thanks for making me feel like a failure for not having purchased a home or condo in the last 5 years.... Gosh!

My plan is to wait for a massive round of forclosures when peoples' interest-only loans leave their lock in period and go to a higher interest rate/monthly payment that they can't afford.... causing high housing supply to a lackluster demand. People over-react, people panic, prices drop. Suddenly everyone wants to get their money out of their home and into this thing called "the stock market"....

Then I'm going to collect houses like a dog-catcher catching strays.... Muahhhh!!!!! (evil laughter)

(or maybe I'll just keep paying rent until I'm a gazillionaire and can affort a 500K fixer-upper...)