The festive spirit of the day is observed with food, folkloric dancing, music and parades.

This year will be my 9th or 10th Cinco de Drinco (I can't remember if I made that up at 19 or 20?), but the first annual Cinco de Drinco held at our house in our newly remodeled back yard will be three Fridays from now. It will also be preparation for our 6th annual 4th of July Party. And this year I have the week off again and will be just back from Mexico at the end of June (and possibly Montana for a wedding on the 1st), so get ready for a new tradition in only its 2nd year, Go 3rd. Beer Gardens on the 3rd, followed by 3 more days of partying with Go 4th at our house and the Lake, Abby's birthday the 5th, and mine the 6th. The hot tub will be fired up at all occasions, with plenty of beer, BBQ, and four-square for all.