Friday, October 07, 2005

Moo, and home values

You all wish you be Garrett's dog, and be this happy about absolutely nothing...

either he is full, or the carpet is soft, or someone was just petting him, or whatever it is...ahhhh, the simple life of licking your nuts, eating, sleeping, and pooping...

and for those of you not into puppy dogs and pooping discussions, how about this. at a recent seminar talking about trends in the home market and the "bursting bubble", they ended with these conclusions:

  • Evidence that home prices have moved up faster in recent months than inflation and income, but long-term evidence suggests this increase may have been just "catch-up"
  • Some likelihood of bubble developing slow leak, but with low rates and good consumer sentiment, probability of bubble pop is low
  • OR and WA appear in good shape and long-term demographic trends suggest some ease in rate of growth, but no bursting of bubble.

Which means, I hope you were able to latch on to a house in the last 5 years, becuase it sounds like the recent home price value increases are here to stay. Which appears to be good to the tune of at least $40k for me, and way more for people like James that bought in very valuable areas. I wouldn't be surprised if James made $100k just becuase of the current market... Damn

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Guest Blogger - Meshuggah

For your webpage:
So you think you know metal? You don't know jack. Meshuggah, a Swedishmetal band who released their first album in 1989, continues they're torridpace with a full-length album entitled "Catch Thirty-thr33." The albumfollows their first EP in ten years called "I," which was released in late2004. The newest edition to the Meshuggah discography features a slowerpace, but intricate and complex rhythms typical of Meshuggah's style. Newto this album are programmed drums, mostly produced by their drummer, TomasHaake, but also created by other members of the band. Overall, the album isan A. Meshuggah will be at Berbati's Pan in Portland on Tuesday, October25.


(anyone else got a review, opinion, picture or joke? be a guest blogger. send it to me via email.)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

new favorite
"My Name is Earl," Tuesdays at 9:00 on NBC
(followed by "The Office," which is also very funny.

Earl got picked up for the rest of the season, 22 episodes. I am very happy because I am so tired of unfunny reality crap that keeps getting regurtitated on the public about 3-6 times a the existing reality shows on season 13 or the cross-over shows and spin-offs from those long-running reality shows. Its nice to see a funny sitcom introduced and see it actually take hold. I'm not saying all reality shows are bad. Kathy Griffen is actually pretty damn funny. And I don't mind the game show styles like Amazing Race and Fear Factor. But then there is Survivor which borders on bad, and the rest that are just so edited that they make one person the stereotype bitch, one the asshole, one the jock, one the funny guy, one (or two) the slut, one the geek, etc. These people aren't stars, and about 80% of them don't deserve to be on TV, let alone asked back to another show or god forbid their own show. Bring back the sitcoms. I don't watch a lot of TV, but when I do I would rather turn on a Friends or Everybody Loves Raymond episode that I have already seen, then to watch one more fucking new reality show... I sure hope that Earl and shows like Grey's Anatomy and CSI and Law and Order can turn TV back to the way it was...almost reality free.


  • As I go through life, fixing my mistakes one at a time, I’ve learned a thing or two about Karma, and part of keeping good Karma is sharing it with others. I hope these notions help you as much as they’ve helped me.
  • Do good things and good things will happen to you. Do bad things and it will come back and bite you in the ass.
  • If you want a better life, you need to be a better person.
  • Bad luck might be contagious. It wouldn’t be fair to bring someone into your life until you clean yours up.
  • Never underestimate the power of confidence. And never underestimate fifteen beers, a little enlightenment, and the power of Rob Base and DJ Easy Rock.
  • A person needs a little rest after having his moustache tickled at a gay bar.
  • You have to do the hard things in life sooner or later.
  • If you want the reward, you have to do the work.
  • The secret to life is fixing all the bad things that you’ve done.
  • Whether picking up trash, returning stolen merchandise, or helping a homosexual find love, it always has the same reward… feeling good about yourself.

Karma. You got to love it.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

fantasy skillz

thats right sports fans, yours truly is 4-0 in fantasy football, only undefeated team, and ahead by a comfortable margin. The biggest reward...having a bunch of know-it-alls fall silent in the shit-talking department.

jason lee's reception was this weekend. very fun, very beautiful slide show up at Sahalle country club in sammamish (near seattle). needless to say the reception was prempted by the prefunk, and followed by the afterfunk, and then the bar scene, all followed by steak and eggs aroung 4:00 AM. so we woke up at the crack of noon or so to watch the USC game (no coug game on) then finished off the night drinking, eating pizza, playing video games, watching football, and not doing anything useful or preductive. pretty nice.

then comes monday and back to work. dammit.