Headlines sometimes catch your eye. I think Nate and Todd and I will look into possibly relocating to Milwaukee. But will cancel our tour of the nine planets, because I guess one of them doesn't count any more, according to the best Oxymoron I have ever seen.
Milwaukee Is Named 'Drunkest City' Milwaukee has been ranked by Forbes.com as "America's Drunkest City" on a list of 35 major metropolitan areas ranked for their drinking habits.
Awesome. Just to be nominated would be an honor, but since Portland or Seattle weren't on there, we may have to move, as we just can't be that far away from drinking fame. I mean, shit, WAZZU was once ranked top party school by Playboy. I guess it's all downhill from there.
Astronomers Say Pluto Is Not a Planet Leading astronomers declared Thursday that Pluto is no longer a planet under historic new guidelines that downsize the solar system from nine planets to eight.
I'm sorry, but those two words are opposites, yet they describe the same thing. What the fuck? So the guidelines are like jello. Squishy Hard. That's like saying Antarctica doesn't count any more because not enough people live there. Fucking crazy scientists.