I'm just finishing my second beer when she walks in with her friends. She is absolutely amazing. Completely stunning. One of the girls in her group waves at my buddy Ed, who I'm sitting with at the table.
"Who's that?" I ask Ed.
"That's Trish*" responds Ed as he waves back at her.
"No, not her" I say "the blonde..." (have I mentioned my weakness for blondes?)
"I dunno" he tells me.
So we sit at our table finishing our next beer and Trish waves us over. Cha-ching! Ed and I make our way to their table and I just so happen to end up right next to the hottie.
"Hi, I'm Molly*. You look familiar, where do I know you from?" says the hottie.
"I'm Nate. You look familiar too." I lie (I have no idea who this girl is).
So Molly and I sit their and talk for a while. She tells me that she is just getting out of a really bad relationship. I tell her that I just got out of one a couple of months ago.
After about fifteen minutes, it's clear that she digs me. I buy her a drink, we play some tunes on the jukebox and sit around flirting shamelessly with each other.
"Let's go to the Maltese" one of her friends says. Now me personally, I can't stand the Maltese. It's a little hole-in-the-wall tavern that somehow has gotten cool. But they insist on going so Ed and I hop into his Jeep and follow Trish and Molly over to the Maltese. We pull into the parking spot next to them and accompany them into this fine drinking establishment.
Once inside we find a table with some more of their friends right inside the door. One added bonus is that it's Karaoke night! Awesome. I decide against breaking out my superior Karaoke skills and instead sit next to Molly, bullshitting, flirting and drinking beer. After about another hour or so Ed and I decide to head home (it was a work-night) but before we leave I exchange numbers with Molly.
A couple of days later Molly calls while I'm bowling in the league I used to play in (Franks and Beans rule!). I am super excited as we make plans to meet up for a drink after I'm done. She is at Porky's with Trish. Trish is asking were Ed is, and requests that I bring him to Porky's with me. Since Ed was also on my bowling team, this is not a problem. We finish bowling and head over to Porky's.
We walk in and find a seat with the ladies. Molly is drunk. She scoots in close to me and starts telling me how much fun she had the other night. We flirt back and forth for a while when somebody decides we should go to the Silver Star. Ed and I agree and follow the girls over to the Silver Star. Somebody needs some smokes (either Trish or Ed) so we make a pit-stop at AM/PM. At this point, Molly wanders over to the passenger seat of Ed's car (where I'm sitting) opens the door, crawls up onto my lap and starts kissing me.
We must've kissed for a couple of minutes because neither of us heard Ed get back into his car. The sound of Ed's car door closing snaps Molly back to reality. She kind of laughs and slides out of Ed's Jeep on her way back over to Trish's car.
We stop by the Star and sit around drinking beers. After a hour or so we all decide to head back to my place (Yahtzee!).
So we're sitting at my place and somehow Molly and I end up in my bedroom. After a little fooling around, she sits up and say "I have to go home" out of nowhere.
"Okay, do you want me to take you home?"
"I need to talk to Trish."
She jumps up, gets dressed and goes and assaults Trish. From the looks of it, if she would have waited any longer Ed may have eaten Trish's face off. She grabs Trish and pulls her outside to talk. Ed looks devastated.
After a couple of minutes they come inside. Molly tells me that she needs to go home and Trish is going to take her. Trish asks if we want to go along for the ride, and we accept. We take Molly home and drop her off then return to my house where I promptly pass the fluck out.
I tried calling Molly for a couple of days after that, until I hear from Trish that she got back together with her boyfriend. The same boyfriend that she said treats her like shit. Awesome.
*All names have been changed to protect the not so innocent....
(This post is running a little long, but there is mos def more to this story that happens a couple of months later. I'll post it today if I get the time.)