"Unknown Movie Title of the Day"
(Today's movie that you do not want to see)
Men in Back
This new segment is brought to you by a friend's sister who manages a small movie store here in town. The short-version is that almost none of the stores in town have a "porn room" any more, and so this store has had to expand (more than once) to fit in all the porn that their customers want, including lining the movies up so you only see the titles because the amount of space required is enormous, and the amount of space available is not.
Today was "new porn day," and needless to say she has some absolutely hilarious stories, including the dork yesterday who went up to the counter while "having the flag at full mast..." I bet the conversation went something like this...
"No video games today? Ooooh, something a little spicier I see. Your parents must be gone for the weekend. Maybe next year when you're 25 you can get your own place...""Oookay, interesting choice, but I'm not judging you... (Granny Takes a Squirt) There you go. Thanks, and uhhh sign here, and uuhhh, you might want to do something about that. Your pants seem to have shrunk. Thanks. Come again."
note to self: Always "Shake hands with the unemployeed" before going to rent porn.
2nd note to self: If you are tall enough that your waist is above the counter, WAIT UNTIL YOUR COCK IS LIMP before you rent and/or buy porn. (Or anything else for that matter)
P.S. Please feel free to comment with your favorite masterbation terminoligy and/or favorite porn movie names, whether you've seen em, or if it was just a friend of a friend's sister's cousin's hairdresser's brother who saw it becuse you would never watch such filth as "Split the Uprights."