Friday, February 03, 2006

Whose Side Are You On?

Even the President gets into the Super Bowl. "Are you fucking blind, Bettis was short by at least THIS MUCH!"

I got the hat, the coozy, the keychain...too early to start adding to the Diet Coke on Friday? Not when you are going to see the Blazers Friday night I say! Also, we just won a kick ass box of superbowl food for Sunday from Cascade Title. man I can't wait for Sunday. I even just bought a t-shirt, and it is the shiznit.

Fuck the media

Sports writers and talk show hosts are all pussies. I watched a show late last night, where everyone but one AGAIN sided with the Steelers. What happened to rooting for the underdog? In this case you would actually be rooting for the better team, so there is less risk than normal and you would think that more than one of these pussy comentators could side with the NW.

It's one thing to say that you have been a steelers fan and hope they win. It's another to say that the Steelers are the favorite because the NFC isn't as good as the AFC this year. So the AFC was harder this year. I bet if the Giants or the Bears were in the Super Bowl, everyone would be talking about how good they are becuase they beat the Seahawks. No-respect-giving mother fuckers. And Texas A&M, go fuck yourself.

Also, Skip (see below) is an ass. I read some more of his articles, especially this one, and he is a big part of the reason that reporters are interchangable with lawyers in the joke "what do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? -A good start"
although, this article shows that he is probably just a normal media fuckhead and not really a seattle hater. He wants drama, suffering, and arguments, becuase it gives him a job. Also, a Skip Archive link incase you want to see how full of shit this guy is, and send him multiple emails stating so.

Skip Bayless: Dumbass!

Where the hell does this guy get off calling our Super Bowl bound football team the "Sea-frauds"? This guy thinks he knows everything about the NFL yet he hasn't shown the Hawks any respect all year. I've heard him say that they are a team of nobodies and got lucky with a soft schedule. Nobodies? Wasn't our Running Back the MVP of the NFL this year? And now he goes off saying they have no place in this Super Bowl where they are way overmatched by the AFC's sixth seed, the Pittsburgh Steelers. He goes as far as calling Seattle, south Alaska. WTF? Read it all for yourself right here.
If you are a diehard Seahawk fan and don't appreciate some ESPN B-Lister disrespecting our state, sports, and way of life, I encourage you to send hate-mail here.
Who watches Cold Pizza on ESPN 2 anyways. GO HAWKS!

edit: (a good excerpt from one of his columns) - "I can relate: After opening the first few of 2,000-plus e-mail responses to my Sea-Frauds column, my computer screen cracked. Each one was a fireball of unprintable passion."
Thats right fucker, read em and like it.

the Flash?....Seriously?

I was just admiring the beauty of Ford Field, site of Super Bowl XL on Erik's last post. Who woulda thunk it? Our beloved Seahawks in the biggest game of the year. And despite what Joey Porter says, these Hawks are leaving with the Lombardi. No disrespect to Jerome Bettis (isn't he from Detroit?) but these Hawks are winning it all.
Anyways I thought I would check out the comment left on his last post and found this:
redlib said...
I was going to make some snarky East coast comment, but I can not get over how ugly that ski sweater was. Although I have a vintage 80's ski coat in toxic green with a purple swirl on it, so who am I to say?
And I am gonna have to agree with her. G, that sweater was all kinds of disgusting. Nice shoulder pads, Liberace. Anyways I thought I would check out her blog and found the "which super-hero are you quiz" and thought "why not?"

Your results:
You are The Flash
The Flash



Green Lantern



Iron Man


Wonder Woman



Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Steeler Fans can't follow through

An article at the bottom of Saturday's daily news sheds more light on the fact that the Seahawks will win, because the Steelers and their fans just aren't good enough.

Town renames itself 'Steeler' 'til Super Bowl
WASHINGTON, PA. - Just to make sure there's no confusion about which team they are pulling for in Super Bowl XL, the mayor and council voted unanimously to change this city's name.
Welcome to Steeler, PA.
The name change for the city of about 15,000 people south of Pittsburgh will last through Feb. 5, the day of the game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Seattle Seahawks. "Iknow the folks in the state of Washington are rooting for the Seahawks, so we wanted to make sure everyone knows the city of Washington is fully in support of the Steelers," Mayor Kenneth J. Westcott said.
You'll want to keep addressing those bills, cards, and letters to Washington, PA., though, becuase the name change is cosmetic and isn't recoginzed by the U.S. Postal Service. "It's just a spoof until after the Super Bowl," Westcott said.
If you are going to change your name, then change it. Don't change it as a spoof but not actually change it. Don't take a great idea and then piss all over it by saying it's only for a week and it's not for real. That's like someone going to the game and saying "My name is The Bus, but only for today because its the Super Bowl." If a whole town of Steeler fans is too pussy to follow through 100% with their idea, then how can their team feel that they are REALLY rooting for them.
Stupid Steeler Fans.

Public service

Because all you are gonna get this week is Seahawks excitement, and the normal tits and fart information, I thought I would pass on an educational link that I found by accident (while trying to look up a video game...)
That's right. Why buy enyclopedia britanicas at your door, when you can search them online baby!

Also, in case you missed it in the last post comment section, Seahawks 35-Steelers 21

Only 3 More Days!

I cannot wait for the Super Bowl to get here. I have never in my life been this excited for a sporting event. The only comparison for how excited I am could be Christmas of 1985. When my little brother and I opened up our 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System I think I may have pissed in my pants a little bit. I was that excited!
I am now realizing how awkward it will be at the Super Bowl party I am going to be attending when the Seahawks score that first time and I piss my pants a little.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

ha ha, you said hump

Wednesday is Hump Day, so here you go.

I got an jokemail about 15 toys that didn't make it to production, and this was my favorite. It was a hard fought contest between My Little Pony Glue Factory (the lego gas station + my little ponies + a new Elmer's sign for the station and truck) and Little Johnny Peeper Night Vision Goggles (showing a kid in camo with goggles, and a picture from American Beauty with Thora Birtch in her underwear) but any toy about humping and robots that makes kids happy is okay by me.

Also, the next blog button strikes again, with a blog by a chick that likes Comics. That is cool, and I wish I could be a comic nerd still.

Who the Hell is Tanner Hall?

So I was sitting on my couch last night, talkin to the coach and unwinding from a long, grueling day at work. My buddy Bora called me from Colorado and told me he was at the Winter X-Games and that there was some pretty amazing stuff goin down. So I tuned into ESPN to check it out and he was right.
Has anybody noticed some of the stuff skiers are doing these days? This kid Tanner Hall threw down a fakie 1080 to win gold in super pipe. A fakie 1080? Three and a half rotations in the air after taking off backwards? That's levitation Holmes.
Well if you've ever watched the X-Games you know how they like to show a little bit of back story on each athlete. It turns out that this Tanner Hall kid had one of the most horrific wrecks ever about a year and a half before the X-Games. It seems that they were doing some filming in the backcountry of Mormonville (Utah) for a DVD where they were all hitting this jump, flying about ninety feet through the air, and hitting their landing. Tanner comes flying in fakie (backwards), hits the jump and pulls a 900 in the air. He comes up short of his landing hitting the lip of it and begins ragdolling through the air. He lands in the snow on his back and begins sliding down the slope. As he's sliding he begins screaming. "BROKEN.....MY ANKLES ARE BROKEN!" It was one of the most chilling things I have ever seen. I will never forget his screams. You can read a recollection of it here from somebody who was there that day.
So he goes from being one of the top skiers in the world to not being able to walk in a matter of seconds. And he goes through rehab and comes back to win on the biggest stage possible. Amazing.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ski weekend pics

Although no one thought to actually bring their camera up on the mountain, there are some good pics on Apul's photo album of the drinking the night before and the night of the big ski trip. Here is me winning the ugly sweater contest saturday night, and a quick glimpse of part of the reason I puked after the first run down the mountain saturday morning.

the Adventures of Living with a Slob (part 2)

A couple of days ago I wrote about my first two roommates, "Josh" and "Derek". Some may not believe that they were as dirty as I said they were, but to the left here I have an actual snapshot of "Josh's" room. Just think ladies, somewhere under that pile of garbage is where the magic happened for him (on a somewhat regular basis that would probably surprise most of you).
I'm not sure how he wasn't embarrassed bringing a lady home to that mess. I can't speak for everybody else but when I bring a date home, beforehand I clean like Martha Stewart on methamphetamines. Not "Josh" though. But then again when it's three in the morning and your date has consumed enough Jack Daniels to kill a moose, she's not really gonna notice your room.
Okay so that's really a picture of the dump, but his room was almost as bad. I think he may have done laundry three or four times (the laundry room was all the way downstairs) while we lived in the house and the rest of the time he would just go buy new clothes. So his dirty clothes would just pile up along with empty bowls of Easy-Mac, half-empty cans of beer, dead midgets and I'm pretty sure there was a used diaper filled with Indian food in there somewhere.
But that rancid smell quite possibly could have been his socks. Combine over-productive sweat glands with bad hygeine and the habit of taking his stank-ass socks off and just leaving them around the house and you have a problem. You try putting the moves on a date when out from between the couch cushions she discovers a old, sweaty, dirty sock that smells like a turd covered in burnt hair. Needless to say, those damn socks cock-blocked me on more than one occasion.
All in all it was a good learning experience though. Except for the place smelling like Bigfoot's dick. Seacrest out.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Out of Shape

You know you are out of shape when:
  • After Snowboarding your arms hurt more than your legs from picking yourself up off the ground all day.
  • When you finally stop falling down every 15 seconds, but have to stop and take 5 minute breaks instead because you are so tired.
  • When you puke your fucking brains out after the first run down the mountain
  • When you spend as much time in the lodge as you do out in the blizzard
  • When you don't go boarding a second day, because you hurt...everywhere

but on a funnier note, the ugly sweater contest saturday night was a success, and as soon as I get some pictures from Brandon, I will be sure to post a pic of me wearing one my mom's old sweaters from the 80s...that says Skiing on it. absolutely horrible.