Friday, October 14, 2005

Movies Jessica Alba is Hot. I am going to go buy Sin City, and while I'm thinking about it, I'm gonna order Batman too. Both those movies kicked ass.

So..Best Movie of the last year or so?
I say Anacondas, Hunt for the Blood Orchid.
That or Troy.
What do you think?

I still haven't seen War of the Worlds or Kingdom of Heaven, but those looked good too. As for chick flicks, Love Actually and the Notebook were good. Bridget Jones was funny so I could stomach that one too. Of course, if I had a choice between any of those and the new Steven Segal crap, I would choose the one where the guy with the beads kicks the crap out of everyone hands down...And I can't wait for the next Harry Potter, because I am one of "those guys."

edit: and while searching new releases, I found this gem. I am sure you have all been waiting for it, so here is the link...

1 comment:

Gina Grace said...

What about Wedding Crashers? Or does that count as "This year" instead of last year? In that case, wasn't Love Actually a couple years ago? In any case, I love that movie and it gets my vote.

I just love any/all movies were Mr. Collin Firth jumps into a lake/pond/fountain. Glorious.