Wednesday, August 23, 2006

F-off, we're busy

Yeah, we haven't posted much lately (not so anyone really noticed) and this probably won't change much until next month.

Smooty just started a new job at Panasonic. Yeah, they may have given him 3 new flatscreen monitors and a laptop, but they also are making him build his own computers, and have him already working hard on the 2nd or 3rd day. Expect nothing from him for awhile (not even tons of useless emails like when he was at Shurgard).

Nate is busy like a fox at work, plus with fantasy sports coming up, 10-14 hour days, a new roommate in the pad meaning a move of the computer (but not the internet connection) to the other room, no time at work + no internet at home = not many posts.

Erik is remodeling the living room and Nate's old room (yeah he used to live with me, at least he was cleaner than Josh and Derick...) and moving the office in their, which means the office and dining room are full of furniture and boxes of crap. That plus being over 100% busy at work, helping Abby shopping for her first classroom teaching 3rd grade, and moving all the teaching crap we have accumulated since she went back for her masters in teaching 3 or 4 years ago, means I No Post Either.

But thanks for coming to see if have posted anything good. See the Jackmove clip below, and maybe I will get some more golf tourney updates on here after I fail to win another tournament this coming weekend...


n8 b said...

I think Gus has been drinking at work again.
I have moved the computer at home but I was also able to keep it hooked up to the net. I just haven't posted much because I have been drinking heavily. I drunken posts are kinda like drunken dials....kinda funny when you do it, not so funny the day after

Gus said...

Last time I was there, it wasn't hooked up. Maybe someone hasn't been calling me back often enough for me to know that the computer was hooked up now...

Anonymous said...

gus is a vaginasaurus