Friday, November 17, 2006


I went and watched Borat (again) last night. It quite possibly could be the funniest movie evah. I went with a group from work and everybody thoroughly enjoyed it. And it wasn't because we all drank a bunch of beers beforehand.
If you haven't seen it yet, you should go this weekend. I may end up seeing it again with a chick I've been hanging out with. And then afterwards maybe make romance explosion on her stomach. It's nice! I like!


Anonymous said...

....and my girl, you mean guy.

Gus said...

and BY spelling, you mean you can't

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life anonymous.

n8 b said...

ooooohhh, burn!

Lisaopolis said...

the only truly funny line of the movie (in my humble opinion) was (Borat holding up a Barbie doll at a garage sale): "Why have you SHRUNK this WOMAN??"

Happy times, high five!