Thursday, February 22, 2007

Commuting (I can't drive 75?)

Since I am living in Portland now, but for some reason still working in Longview I have been commuting. And it is so awesome that I wanted to share a little story with you.
It all starts about a year and a half ago when I decided that it would be a good idea to be a "salary" guy at work. That's when the 50 hour work week started. Monday through Friday, ten hours a day. To get out of there by five, I had to be there at seven in the morning. After I think two days of working straight tens I decided that I needed to take a lunch during my day or I would go crazy. So begins the six in the morning start time. (Or six bells as S.A. says)
Now after I moved down to Portland I realized that I would still be working somewhat the same schedule. That meant getting up at 4:30 in the fookin morning. I would get on the road by 5 and be at work by 6.
This was all good and dandy until I started hitting the snooze button. For the last week and a half or so I have been leaving my house a little after 5 and then just set the cruise control to about 80. Good times.
Today I'm cruising along and I'm passing Woodland (pretty much halfway) when I notice that I just passed a police cruiser on the left hand side. He pulls in behind me, I lower the cruise control and he proceeds to follow me all the way to town. He quit following me about five minutes before I arrived at work (late by the way). About the time I'm rolling into my work's parking lot my heart started beating again. What a shitty way to start the morning.
Fast forward to 5 PM today. I'm cruising home and just about to Woodland again. When outoffuckingnowhere a police cruiser appears, lights ablazin. He goes from the right side of the freeway, across three lanes into my lane, slowing the whole time. I'm not going to lie but I pissed in my pants a little bit. I thought he was pulling me over for speeding. Instead he kept going through a little path in the highway median (how the f did he know that was there?) and turned North bound to follow somebody who was obviously going waaaay faster than me. Thank you that guy. I hope you got away.


Lisaopolis said...

Dude, I hope they are at least paying you tons of money for this commute-required job;)

Emily:) said...

You are so freaking lucky! I got pulled over once for going 39 in a 25 zone. At least if you're gonna pull me over, let it be for going something respectable like 85 in a 50 zone.

n8 b said...

Lisa, I wish they were but it hasn't happened yet....

Em, I was only going 10 over. 80 in a 70. I wasn't going 14 over like you lead-foot