Friday, March 02, 2007

not dead

Sorry it seems a little dead around NOSE, but that is cause drinking is occupying our every thought(s). So please head to 365beers if you come here and find nothing new. There is always a new post there, and still the occasional one here.

A big deal for us geeks, Grand Theft Auto 4 is supposed to have a trailer released end of March by Rockstar games, and has a countdown on this page, so that's exciting.

and for your viewing pleasure, a movie line. Do you know the movie?

"Ladies, Ladies... I think I might be able to work out a deal where one, mabye both, of you could be pregnant by the holidays. What do you say?"


Emily:) said...

Hmmmm, isn't that Duckie from Pretty in Pink?

n8 b said...

GTA 4? I haven't heard of this yet....hmmm very interesting.

Gus said...

yes, Duckie. Nice to have a movie buff around.