Monday, August 08, 2005

Harry Potter is almost as addictive as Ebay

The title pretty much speaks for itself, and in case you are too lazy to remember the title you just clicked on, let me do a little cut and pasting for you...

Harry Potter is almost as addictive as Ebay

The reason being that I finished half the book in one day (with a few chapters on saturday, but whos counting...) If I wasn't busy at work, I probably would have stayed home sick to finish it.

And I continue to look for a few books I need (I mean want) to finish off the extensive book collection that I have been working on since college and before. People think I have a lot of movies (which is true cause that collection is well over 700), but its nothing compared to the 1000+ books I now have. Especially considering I am still looking for 100 or so odds and ends to finish collections of my favorite authors, and its going to take a while because I am cheap. So ebay is the devil. Which leads me to a favorite quote I read on gamespot.

Remember: you're not a pack rat, you're an archivist.


Gina Grace said...

Uh huh. You're an archivist. With a shit-ton of paperbacks the need to get read. You should get a degree in paperbackeology. Like a PhD or something.

Gus said...

shit ton just about sums it up.

on top of that, abby just called to say the mailman wouldn't deliver a package I got off ebay because there was postage due. What the fuck? I pay for the books (for abby by the way), I pay for postage, and they arrive postage due? Maybe no big deal if it was a buck or something, but It was almost SIX FUCKING DOLLARS! Somone isn't gonna get an inbox full...