Thursday, August 04, 2005

I waited a year to post twice in one day

And on another note: I emailed Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, today and he actually emailed me back. Pretty cool, and made me feel much more important than I really am. It went something like this...
Mr. Adams, Is it just me, or is the officer in today's comic shooting bullets out of a donut? - Erik
Erik, My editor wouldn't let me show a gun in the comic. So I replaced it with a doughnut that shoots bullets. Everyone seems happy. - Scott

Plus the Lama, a big hitter the Lama, told me that on my death bed, I would have extreme consciousness. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

1 comment:

Gus said...

Oh yeah, he emailed me again because I sent him an idea for a comic. he said thanks. I am the coolest person currently in my office. (yes I am alone, but thats not the point...)