Friday, September 09, 2005

quote of the day

(the names have been changed to protect the people that employee me...)
Actual Email:
Greg- "Hey Bob, we should unsubscribe from this message service."
Bob- "I never subscribed. Do you know how to get me off?"
If a co-worker asks if you know how to get them off, is it sexual harrasment if they don't realize how funny it is? Especially if they are both guys??

on another funny note, A friend of mine (I swear its not mine baby!) received some dvd boxed sets from another friend who is working in China. I absolutley love how these companies do not spell or grammer check their products before mass producing them. For example, the credits on the back of the X-files boxed set include credits to Bruce Willis for Die Hard 2 and the Star Wars boxed set includes credits for only Episode 2, while 4 of the 6 dvd inserts feature pictures of Liam Neeson who was only in 1 of the movies. The best is the back of the Friends boxed set, which I hope to post this weekend.


Emily:) said...

Absolutely freaking hilarious! it's like "Office Space" gone awry:)

As for the Asian imports, this inspires me to write an entry on the art of buying bootlegged DVDs. my favorite was when the 1997 version of Romeo + Juliet came out adn the bootlegged verion was by William "Shakespeer". Classy!

Lisaopolis said...

GrammEr check, that's a good one;)