Thursday, November 17, 2005

Mama Say Mama Saw Mamakusaw

Couldn't think of a catchy blog title, then it hit me. Why not a line from a song off of "Thriller." Everyone loves Micheal Jackson from back in the day right?

Anyways, this post will be equally un-interesting. I found a few more sites. is Ted somebody reviewing books and movies and such. Pretty good, and added to my list on the left. Also, an accountant I know has a website, conviently on blogger, with Tax Advice, so I added that to the side list too. Also, we had the first day of tryouts for Cowlitz Volleyball, which Abby and I coach for (14-blue) and there were over 80 girls in the 14 division. With only 4 teams (12 max each) that's a lot of people that won't make it. Even if we find a way to add another team. Cutting players is the worst part of tryouts.

This weekend looks like fun though, at least until Sunday and the 2nd day of tryouts. Dodgeball friday after a day of class instead of work. Then apple cup watching the Cougs beat the huskies on saturday, followed hopefully by the new Harry Potter flick.

So other than waking up early on a Sunday, which I hate to do, to coach and help with tryouts for 6-12 hours, this weekend should be fun. of course thats hoping I don't through my arm out in our last dodgeball match...


Anonymous said...

i'm not too sure about this (i'm not a "doctor" or anything) but i don't believe you can throw your arm out by throwing under-arm. but if anybody can do it, it's you erik (drunk off your ass of course). another thing. you love the fag soup. love it.

Gus said...

have someone keep stats tomorrow night and we will see who is the better dodgeball player.

dodge, duck, dip, dive, uhh dodge.

Anonymous said...

you fucking love the fag soup.