Thursday, November 10, 2005

Xbox 360

Anyone that feels like entering multiple times for a contest to go to a 3 day launch party for the Xbox 360, here you go. If you are not big on video games and really want to impress me by winning and then giving me the tickets, that is okay too. Plus its in the desert, and you have to get there yourself, so I'm thinking road trip.


Gus said...

I did not win. I also did not win an xbox360. Son of a bitch. I'm just gonna go to the midnight madness party at the lame kelso mall, get my new shiny overpriced gaming console, and go home and play online with other dorks. Screw going to big fun parties with celebrities and getting free shit.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry you didn't neither...let me know though when you do get your xbox360 and i will move into your spare room and play your games all the time..sound good? will be like the end of 2001 all over again....