Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Over the past couple of years I have noticed something different about myself. I thought I may be ill but never really mentioned it to anybody because of the chance it was all in my head. But these last couple of months it has gotten worse and worse. I thought about maybe going to see a doctor but then I came across an article on the internet that perfectly described my disease. I can now say without a doubt that I suffer from F.B.O.
Honey, if you're reading this, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you in person but I just didn't know how to break the news to you. And to all my friends and family, don't worry, I think I'll be okay. What I need from all of you is sympathy and understanding. Thank you in advance for all the support I know I will receive.
I *sourpatch kid* all of you. Seacrest out.


Gus said...

I also suffer from F.B.O. that might be a new good name for the blog, since I believe all 4 of us suffer from this disease.

of course, it you have to pick a disease, i pick this one.

Gus said...

ha ha. i love when smooty tries to divert attention away from his penis size by bringing up other penises. its like when Tom brings up other people jacking off when we ask him about the time in red carpet.