Friday, July 07, 2006

Birthday Presents

My mom made me this for my birthday. That's me as a little blonde haired golfing god. Mom's are great at birthday presents. Even when you can't think of anything you need, they come up with something you love.

I especially like how I am swinging left handed with a right handed club. Probably why you see pictures of Tiger golfing correctly as a kid, and he went on to win millions, and why you see picture of me golfing as a kid, and I can only get down to a 13 handicap.

But I still love this frame. I will try to get a picture of the baseball frame she made me last year, and some more cute framed baby pictures for you to be jealous of this weekend. And hopefully I follow up with some Mexico pics and stories next week. My dumb ass forgot my camera so I have to get copies of pics from our friends.

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n8 b said...
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