Tuesday, August 15, 2006

iPod Update

Just cause I feel like I need to post something because I haven't posted shit in a while (except for the cockblocked story which I feel pisses excellence). So I can't think of shit to write about, you get an iPod update.
Current songs: 6,431
23.17 gb
Number of days you could listen and not hear a song twice: 49.4 days (WHOA!)
Top 25 playlist (extra special fuck edition) is looking something like this these days:
1. the Rolling Stones, Gimme Shelter (just a great fucking song)
2. Gnarls Barkley, Crazy (just another great fucking song)
3. Interpol, Slow Hands (fuck fuck fuck fucking song)
4. Panic! at the Disco, I Write The Sins...... (fucking long title)
5. the Roots, The Seed (2.fucking0)
6. Trick Daddy & Lil John, Let's Roll (fucking What?)
7. Bloc Party, Banquet (makes me so fucking happy)
8. Arctic Monkeys, I bet you look good on the Dance Floor (fuck?)
9. I'm bored, you get the fucking top 8

1 comment:

Krista said...

I'm so jealous... my iPod just spontaneously combusted (well, something like it) and erased ALL of the songs I have downloaded for the past 7 years. :(