Saturday, October 28, 2006

Facts About Gus vol. 17?

One thing about Erik that nobody knows is that he is a very talented musician. He started playing guitar at a very early age and learned from some of the more popular bands of that time. The only downside to him learning to play so young was that he wasn't able to change his style of play. So since the early 80's Gus has been playing glam rock. And he's been playing it well!
He is currently the leader of a band that plays local shows here in Longview. They describe their sound as "Whitesnake crossed with Culture Club with some Winger thrown it to make it 'hard'". Last night the played to a packed house at the Woodshed. It was their first show as a headliner. That's right, on this night the marquee read "Gus Loves Fag Soup". Pretty catchy name huh? Well I was there supporting my buddy and got this pic of the band right before they went on.


Gus said...

dude, the third guy with the pink pants looks like my dad. crazy I was so wasted I don't even remember him being there.

Gina Grace said...

Sweet photoshop skills!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! my brother the butt-rocker and I didn't even know. and my dad's there too...crazy world!!