Friday, February 16, 2007

Xbox Rewards

For those of us geeks out there, Xbox360 is offering rewards for increasing your achievement scores for the next month and a half or so. Dicko, that means you (and Adam) need to check this out.

Dicko and I can get somer free gamer pic, themes, points, Contra, and a tshirt, and Adam should be able to get all that plus a free copy of Fuzion Frenzy 2, which I want to play after hes done with it.

Now, on to the beer blog. 365 starts today baby.


Dicko said...

It only took me and my brother two days to get the 1500 points. My gear is on the way already. Catch up with the times, I am way dorkier than you.

Dicko said...

By the way, I qualified for Fuzion Frenzy too. However, since you didn't recognize my level three(the best) gamer status like my brother, you can't borrow.