Tuesday, September 20, 2005

How you doin?

Although it may sound like I want to talk about "Friends," or lame bar pick-up lines, I was actually thinking more along the lines of the responses people give when trying to avoid a conversation.

How many times have you responded "fine" or "good" to the questions "How are you doing?" or "How you been?" and then 5 seconds later you realize you actually feel shitty? I was sick Sunday, almost didn't go to work Monday, and am not feeling too hot right now, but 2 minutes ago, when someone asked, I said "good" and said it with a smile. Why? Because lying is better than explaining that I feel shitty for 5 minutes. Lying got me out of a conversation I didn't fell like having. Lying is great. In fact, it makes me feel good thinking about it...

1 comment:

Gus said...

ha ha. I don't know why you continue to under-exagerate the size of your cock. Just tell him how big it really is. They always can bring friends if they don't think they can handle it alone.