Monday, October 31, 2005

Found an Old Email

Anyone find an old email or joke and re-read it and find it still funny?

Top 15 Star Wars Euphemisms for Masturbation
  1. Shooting Womprats in Beggar's Canyon
  2. Grooming the Wookie
  3. Making the Kessel Run
  4. Polishing Vader's Helmet
  5. Evacuating Tatooine
  6. Unsheathing the Meatsaber
  7. Releasing the Special Edition
  8. Jumping to Delight Speed
  9. Communicating with Red Leader One
  10. Lightsaber Practice with Captain Solo
  11. Tinkering with the R2 Unit
  12. Manually Targeting the Rebel Base
  13. Performing the Jedi Hand Trick
  14. Scratching Yoda Behind the Ears
  15. Test Firing the Death Star

I would say 14, 12, 6, 3, and 1 are the funniest. I would post something more original, or maybe a funny original comment, but I have to go consume halloween cookies and candy and not get any work done. Happy Halloween.

okay, one original one...Using the Force on Obi-One-Eye-Kenobi

okay one more, but not star wars related...Shaking Hands with the Unemployed

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