Thursday, November 03, 2005

Busy couple days...Go Cougs

Busy couple days...First off, Cougs need to go make a donation to hurricane relief, if you are so inclined, because it will also help the cougs get the space needle painted crimson & gray for apple cup cougs play Arizona St. this weekend, so maybe we will finally win...)

other busy type things. Abby's C-squad team is done for the year, but now she is one of the assistant coaches for the varsity team, who is headed to Tumwater to try and win districts and a spot at state for the first time in 8-10 years. If you happen to read the sports section tomorrow, look for R.A. Long to see how they did.

The Blazers opened the season with a loss. Their first home game is saturday, which I hope to go to, but with Abby at Districts that day, and another wedding here in town that day, I am not sure what the weekend holds for me yet. Probably drinking somewhere.

I bought a 2005 Ford Escape. Anyone in the market for a 2000 VW Jetta VR6, or a 2000 V6 Explorer? Cause Abby wants a new car also and we need to sell both our rigs.

And dodgeball again this Friday, with all the teams in the league splitting their matches last week, Team McNeely hopes to break the 4-way tie with back to back wins this friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Space Needle :)