Saturday, November 05, 2005

Clutter and Email and Musak

As I ponder why my to-do list at work is never ending, why my to-do list at home is too long to even write down, why my answer to any question about internet usage is usually 20+ hours, and why I have no room for stuff in an1800 sq ft house with only two people living in it, I thought I would leave you with some more interesting links and randomness like I did in my last post:
...short article on boycotting email (or at least using it way less)
...short article on the evils of email
...and because I went to to see what the current articles are, I found something for you I-Pod users
...and back to the discussion at hand, or at least the thought that prompted this post, clutter (aka: stuff, crap, shit, etc.).
This article has some really good points, and makes me think about moving, just so I could go through all my crap and have a huge garage sale before I moved. My biggest problem is that I am convinced everything I own is worth something, and I can't just get rid of it, but I don't have time to sell it. Anyone want to go shopping at Casa de Erik? It also had some good links in the print version, but they don't appear to show up online, so here you go:

The quote that describes my habbits: "People hold onto stuff like their kids' old clothing as a way of holding onto the past. Or they keep things they think they might need someday as a way to control the future." -PeterWalsh, psychologist and organizational consultant

Basically I don't need most of the crap around my house, but am too stubborn to get rid of it.

The National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization, an association ofprofessional organizers, has established a household clutter assessment scale. and Are you a level 2 or a level 5?

Also, Musak played I Love That Old Time Rock And Roll on Friday. It made methink about my wedding, and for those of you out there that have gottenmarried, what songs did you tell the DJ or Band that they had to play,besides the first dance song or other required tunes?

one more, sent in by Todd


Lisaopolis said...

wait, didn't you just buy a big new car? Load 'er up with stuff! or put the stuff in your old car, if that's still around. Charge your stuff rent.

Gus said...

ha ha. good idea. I can drive around town with a stuff for sale sign, kind of a moving garage sale.

Gus said...