Tuesday, December 27, 2005

No More Driving, No Kids!!

I survived my first official Christmas as a married man, barely. I have always considered myself a Christmas type of guy. I enjoyed driving through neighborhoods looking at the lights, spending time with family. A regular Clark Griswald. I don't know anymore though and I am not sure if it was just all of the running around this year, the changes in family dynamics or if I am just becoming a grinch....

Running Around...
I know that driving to family events, shopping malls and traffic are all part of the holiday season, but this year, it seemed to really piss me off. I found myself cussing out grandmas who have no business on the road rather than ignoring the idiots and decrepit and listening to Christmas music on that channel that plays non-stop holiday music for a month. I seriously almost knocked a guy out because he was actually blocking the entrance to parking for the whole mall and NO ONE was pulling out of a spot.

Family Dynamics...
Usually, my Christmas Eve is spent with my mom's family and Christmas Day with my dad's family. This year, being married, there were two more families to visit, which not only means more running around, it also mean that you get to hear this..."When are the kids coming?" Oh and don't forget about this, "You better take care of her!" coming from the all of the family members that you have never met because they aren't allowed out of the house except for holidays. The other problem is that now that I am older, my cousins are having kids. Although, the 4 "kids" ranging from 6 months to 4 years old are all very cute, I realize more and more that after 10 minutes, cuteness falls to annoying. Nothing says get me out of here like picking up a kid and discovering that there is now piss on your shirt and pants.

So is it just me? I hope it was just this year and next year I will be my normal "Dicko Claus" self.


Gus said...

ha ha. i thought when I was reading this i was reading smoots post. i wonder if his experience was similar.
me, i got drunk and watched people sing karoke and we played catch phrase. and found out kids were better at the game then most of the adults.

n8 b said...

by "almost knocked a guy out" we all know you really mean "almost took him into the men's room and gave him a beejer"