Friday, December 09, 2005

proud of who you are

the next blog button strikes again, this time with a blog by someone who is funny, and proud to be who she is. Kind of cool considering most people put on fake displays most of the time. *A place for my thoughts to resonate in the sound bank of the world, rocking the comic flow of life until a new era of peace appears and fat girls are fashionable again.* Copyright 2004, 2005 - which is amazing, since I was copying wrong 'til 2003.

other than that, I've been busy, so the first thing to suffer is the website, blog, myspace, emails, etc. Basically the devil computer and all its time-wasting-goodness. But we got a tree yesterday, and some garland, so it probably smells good at home. Maybe If I can find a few hours to actually be home, I will find out. And I get to go watch the Blazers lose again tonight, since we have season tickets. And Christmas parties start this weekend for most people, if you haven't already been to one. Man I love drinking and eating. Unfortunately while I am really excited for getting presents, eating, drinking, seeing friends, partying, drinking, decorating, etc., I have absolutely no desire to go out present shopping. How about everyone just buy them self something and stick my name on it, and I'll buy myself something and stick all your names on it? Sounds good? Great? I'll be at home with the new drink I made up last night.

A frosty white russian:
1 shot Carmel liquor, 1 shot Peppermint Schnapps (preferably Ice 101 or Rumpleminz), 2 shots Kahlua, all poured over ice and milk or cream added to fill glass. Shit its good.

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