Friday, January 06, 2006

great quote and halo 2

second thing first, damn have 850 games of team slayer on Halo 2 and are a level 27. Played that game a few times have you?

and watching My Name is Earl and The Office last night, I saw the best quote of the day on the Office. (If you don't watch the show, a quick synopsis: Jim and Pam are the cool ones in the office. Pam has been engaged for 3 years, and you can tell Jim and Pam really like each other, but never have the balls to say it.)

Jim's girlfriend: (outside looking in at Pam and her fiance after they finally set a date for the wedding) "Do you think that will ever be us?"
Jim: (looking longingly at Pam) "No."
Jim's girlfriend: "Well then why did you bring me tonight? Why are we dating?"
Jim: "I don't know. Let's break up."

Classic. And what makes it funnier is that they are on a party boat, so she can't just storm off. They both have to sit on the boat while everyone is celebrating and wait for it to dock. Jim has some rad timing.


the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

I also saw that ep of the office and I have to agree. It's like the ONE line of the American version of the show that actually comes close to being as funny as the original BBC series (I'm not being an Anglophile snob, it just really *is* funnier).

Gus said...

yes, i have the british version on dvd, and it is funnier, but the american one is getting better and better, and is pretty close in the funny-ness category.