Monday, August 15, 2005

digital cameras are wonderful

Well, I'll keep this short. I basically took my camera along to Katie's wedding for two, no wait, three reasons. One, to get a pic of me and abby. Two, to get some pics of the wedding. Three, to get a funny pic of Gina so that she could link to my blog from hers. So without further ado...(or is adoo?) here are a few. The rest will go on my site, hopefully today.
You've got Gina graciously posing so that we could get a shot of the stellar waitress in her best halter-top-bra-showing-at-a-wedding-goodness. Then Me and Abby. Then the dancing baby who was tearing up the dance floor for at least 30-45 minutes. Then the awesome Shelton Inn, where Gina proceeded to pass out first and get her picture taken... he he he.


Gina Grace said...

Sweet!!! SO I guess that's what I look like when I'm sleeping.... No WONDER he's always gone by the time I wake up...

Ah! Gotta love the self-slam jokes.

Lisaopolis said...

It's just photo essays like this one that make an oldest sister so damn proud. I'm tearing up as I type...