Tuesday, March 14, 2006

NCAA and St. Patricks Day

Its tuesday before the games start. Have you got your picks in for the NOSE/RedRedRine NCAA pool on Espn.com yet?

Or have you got in on any office pools? Who did you pick, or if it was random draw, who did you get? Inquiring minds want to know. And they also want to know how many of you take time off to watch any of the games.

And for those of you in the area, the 17th is Shaun's birthday, so we are meeting at the Shamrock Friday between 3:00 and 6:00 if you want any chance of a seat. It's drinking time baby!


Emily:) said...

Besides March Madness, I am sooooo ready for St. Paddy's Day. Being Irish and having a shamrock tatoo, this is my Xmas:) Lovin life!

Gus said...

We did a random-draw pool at work, and I got Indiana, Kent St., and Air Force. I bet you are jealous.

Shamrock tatoo sounds cool. Is it an ankle or back or shoulder or what?

and Smoot is all talk. A real drinker would head down to longview and back that boast up instead of hiding in Seattle and pretending to drink.

Emily:) said...

Extremely jealous of those picks (lmao)! The only thing better would've been something like UPenn, N. Iowa and Pacific;)

And the shamrock is on the lower back, btw. Actually I got it at a place in Yakima when I was 19.

Smooty, I think we're gonna need photo evidence of your drunkenness. Stay away from $10 beers in the city. I always had that problem when I lived in NYC.

Gus said...

yeah, if drunk chicks could believe the story that Shaun and I made up about him being my long lost brother and never meeting until we were in the same fraternity in college, then they will believe anything. I still can't believe that shit worked.