It is cool to know a lot about computers now. It is cool to blog. It is cool to be on myspace and tons of other websites. It is cool to email. It is cool to text message. It is cool to have the latest technology, TVs, cell phones, and I-pods.
All of these statements were untrue at one time, so I ask you, is it cool yet to play video games? (borrowed from toothpastefordinner)
First of all, there is nothing uncool about Nintendo, especially old school Nintendo NES (which I myself have), which has deemed to bequeath us such genius as Mario 3, Top Gun, Kid Icarus, Zelda AND Link, and of course the previously mentioned Castlevania.
it's iPods not I-pods
First of all, there is nothing uncool about Nintendo, especially old school Nintendo NES (which I myself have), which has deemed to bequeath us such genius as Mario 3, Top Gun, Kid Icarus, Zelda AND Link, and of course the previously mentioned Castlevania.
oh, and btw, is it just me or does the cartoon sketch from toothpaste for dinner look like Sloth from The Goonies?
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