Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Pictures - Bowling

This weekend in pictures (notice I am not in many. Don't you hate when you take a bunch of pictures, and then look at your camera and you didn't get in any of the pictures?)

First night - Friday - Drink Til you Shit 2006 (Westcoast) kicks off with a pubcrawl that begins at the Hilander Fun Center/Bowling Alley. Great Pizza, Big ol Beers, and wonderful attentive wait staff that allowed us to keep bowling without having to stop much for trips to the lounge.

Dicko Cleans his Ball.
Smoot the Lefty trying to pick up the 9 pin spare.
Nate about to scare Dickos ball into the gutter.

Abby celebrating after the backwards between the legs strike she just picked up with no bumpers (pretty amazing actually).
Nate doing what he does best when he bowls.
A couple pics of the pubcrawl part of the trip. (notice the recurring theme of flipping off, bullshiting, and drinking. I notice that Smoots drink is consistantly empty, while nates is full...)

And I couldn't resist the pic of Lowell admiring the mailbox...

Pictures of the rest of the pubcrawl and Saturday's brewfest to follow, but for now, here is Apul's online brewfest album and a link to the wonderful supplier of cigars at brewfest cascade cigar.


n8 b said...

My beer is getting more and more empty as the pictures go on. If Smooty wouldn't have made me shoot Jack I would've been poundin more brew. I made up for it though the next day....

Gus said...

you mean

more retarded.