Monday, August 07, 2006

Brewfest 2006, part 1

A good start to a good day.

Can you spot Smoot and Shaun?

If I have to take the picture myself, I'm gonna be in one damit!

Okay I'm gonna be in more than one. Stacy and Pat finally meet up with us.

Psycho Dicko makes another camera appearance,

...or two, although he can only hold the psycho face for so long before he starts laughing about Smoot and Nate's luck with the ladies (not counting April of course)

Pat and Stacy smile about the nutshot Pat just gave Nate.

Dicko pays for room and board...

finally a normal pic of me and Shaun

After brewfest, it was on the hookah bar across the street from where we parked. The tuti-fruti was excellent, as were the numerous shots and drinks we consumed,

which was a very good idea after drinking beer all day, hence the winner of Drink til you Piss 2006... LOWELL!! There are more pics of the hookah bar and hooters, which will be part 2...maybe, if blogger will cooperate...

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