Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Nate gets another nod

Once again, Mulgrew has gone to the bullpen for some much needed celebrity mention on his website.
"Longtime reader and emailer Nate from Longview, Washington emailed me a few weeks ago after I announced my new love affair with whiskey. He said something to the effect of, "Whiskey will only destroy you in the end. Beer is the one true answer." I replied, "Well, I guess that’s something every man has to learn on his own." And while I’m not beating my wife or robbing banks, I think I may be starting to learn this. "

This is Nate's second mention on the much loved Everything is wrong with me. And this one didn't cost me a case of Ruby Ale, which is nice. Which reminds me, I should probably pay up on that bet sometime...


n8 b said...

I've been thinking about that case of Ruby that is $4.50 a bottle and noticed before brewfest that kegs are only $95. I'm thinking we could definitely find a group of ten or so people and just pitch in and get a keg of the most delish Ruby. And I'm not gonna do what you all think I'm gonna do and Freak Out, but, who's coming with me man? Who's coming with me.

Gus said...

Sounds like a good plan. who is getting married next? we could do a friday/saturday party. kind of a ruby ale pre-funk/post-funk shindig.

n8 b said...

Cory Harren is getting married in 2-1/2 weeks.
Margaux is getting married two days after Cory.
Old roommate Todd is getting married in a month.

Lets celebrate!