Wednesday, October 04, 2006

sound off

We don't usually use this blog to sound off about real topics, but after deciding to never buy the lettuce in the below post, I saw this in the news.
Ga. Mother Seeks Harry Potter Ban

Another group of ignorant close-minded people think that Harry Potter should be banned. Kids are going to turn into witches and warlocks and join the occult if they read fiction about kids in a fictional cross-universe version of Europe. Reading stimulates the brain. You should't ban anything. What you should do is spend time educating kids to distinguish between right and wrong, fact and fiction, stupid people (like yourself) and smart people, etc.

These brainiacs also tried to ban spanish fiction from their budget because "they objected to using taxpayer dollars to entertain readers who might be illegal immigrants." Uhhh, hi. Your kids couldn't hurt from learning a second language. And by the way, every kid that isn't white isn't an illegal or a criminal. $50 says one of your kids ends up being gay, and sooo afraid to tell you that they kill themselves when you kick them out. YOU IGNORANT BITCH AND EVERYONE LIKE YOU DESERVE A LITTLE REALITY CHECK. Like a hurricane.


Gus said...

yeah, spanish books should be actually debateable, although I think teachers disagree with you and her, and I am on the teachers side now being married to one.

Lisaopolis said...