Friday, February 03, 2006

Whose Side Are You On?

Even the President gets into the Super Bowl. "Are you fucking blind, Bettis was short by at least THIS MUCH!"

I got the hat, the coozy, the keychain...too early to start adding to the Diet Coke on Friday? Not when you are going to see the Blazers Friday night I say! Also, we just won a kick ass box of superbowl food for Sunday from Cascade Title. man I can't wait for Sunday. I even just bought a t-shirt, and it is the shiznit.


Lisaopolis said...

excellent pre-Super Bowl post, I can't wait til the Seahawks win. I'm telling everyone here in PA "I actually hope the 'Stillers' win because it would mean so much to the people of the region, yadda yadda yadda..." but we all know who I'm really rooting for...!

Gus said...

wow, re-reading this I was kinda spooky with my george bush quote, if you replace the bus with Ben R.