Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ooohhhh, Mexico

Oohhhh, Mexico, I can't wait to go.

If anyone needs a bottle of tequila or a pair of oakey's, let me know, as I shall be travelling to a land where no one will call me to check the status of their loan request. And I won't have to vacuum or cook dinner. And I will only get up early if I am thirsty for a margarita. I'm getting just a little bit of a chub thinking about it, and can't concentrate anymore, so see you in a couple weeks...


n8 b said...


Emily:) said...

Erik, when did you grow an afro and start wearing chains? Oh, that's just Mr. T;) Have fun in Mexico! Last time I was there, I danced in a Tequila congo line and got sun poison. Good times:D

Gus said...

I can't believe I am still at work on Thursday afternoon. Man work is AWESOME!!!

I give myself 30 min, and then I better be margarited up and packing for my trip...