Best Fresh Strawberry Pie in town from Judy's on Washington Way. Absolutely outstanding, and it has been the treat at the last two bank meetings as well as the last 2 going away parties and last 5 or so birthdays. I am going to go have some right now. Suckas.
Other best thing about Sissy job? Every time the bank buys beer or wine for parties we host, no one else drinks the left overs. So guess who has two thumbs and usually gets free beer and wine...
That's right, This Guy!
I hate you both...........
Along the lines of free beer: Want to know the BEST thing about having your husband in Fallujah for a year?
(which is also pretty much the only thing that doesn't totally suck)
The sheer volume of sympathy drinks that are purchased for me on a regular basis. I actually have a bar where I get free beer on demand. If the place were in walking distance, I'd be the drunkest most alcoholicy Navy Wive on the planet. As it is, the cost of a cab home usually negates any savings, so that helps to keep me in check. But still, the principle behind it makes me want to tie yellow ribbons all over me and yell "God Bless America!"
Yeah Gina, if you were here I would totally buy you a 64 oz mason jar of beer in Jose's honor.
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