You get to buy a "souviner" (i.e. required) Brewfest plastic mug, and as many tokens as your pockets will hold, and then you trade these tokens for a taste or full mug of beer. It seems to change every few years or so, but last year it was 1 token for a taste, and 4 for a mugfull.
Now while most of the time you can get more beer getting it 1 taste at a time, the lines can be friggin long and there are a few pourers that will only fill exactly to the taster line just to be dicks, so your best bet is just to fill er up, and share with your buddies if you are trying to taste as many as possible. They have food (some of it out-fucking-standing like Gustavs German Sausage), music, tons of port-potties which actually aren't that disgusting, and you are guaranteed to see someone you know if you attended high school between Castle Rock and Salem or a college in Washington or Oregon.
And most importantly they have all the best brewers in the area. You haven't lived until you have had double digit alcohol content stout in 80 degree weather with 5,000 of your closest friends down on the waterfront. I am getting a little excited just thinking about it...
sign me up mofo....
let's get toe up from the flo up
Ummm... Brewfest. Sadly this is another year in which I just won't be able to make it. BUT I will be in Seattle for the Coug game at Seahawk Statium (which corresponds nicely with Erin's wedding... excellent planning on her part!)
PLEASE, for all things holy, have a mug for me. And if you run into someone(s) that I know from college etc, have THEM have a mug for me too.
I hate that you can't edit comments to fix typos...
So I have Nate, and Pat and Stacy, and probably Piersma, and Dicko and Sabrina?, and Smoot +1, and who else?
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