Friday, September 01, 2006


Thank G it is Friday. It has been such a long week at work. My co-worker Matt Jones (of Jackmove fame) took the week off for a little vacation action. That brilliant bastard took this week off and with the 3 day weekend he's getting an extra vacation day. He's so getting punched right in the ding-ding when he gets back to work it's not even funny.
So this week I have been doing my job plus all of Matt's shit. Plus having to deal with a certain very unpleasant "Associate" at one of the branches in Portland. So I am pumped for Labor Day weekend (read: uncle n8's getting wasted!).
I am heading outta town tomorrow morning for Hood's Canal for a little camping action. My buddy Garrett's family has a cabin right next to the water. His grandpa built the cabin a couple of years ago and he is nice enough to let us invade it for the weekend.
There will be tons of drinking, lots of gambling, some cussing and swearing, some time on the water crabbin and swimming if it's warm enough.
This may be the second consecutive weekend that I try to kill my liver. I've been thinking about it and me and my liver are now at war for the way he let me down last weekend. I mean seriously, two glasses of champagne in between a ton of beer and I end up with one of the worst hangovers ever. Quit being a pussy liver. Fuck.
If you haven't heard the Linkin Park and Jay-Z collaboration from about a year ago you should check it out. If you like either of the artists you'll dig the album. I just got it two weeks ago and have been listening to it on a pretty regular basis. Good Stuff.
Anyways, I don't really have anything else to say except that I miss you all. Really I do. I wish you could go camping with me but I just don't think our relationship is ready for that right now. Because when I get drunk I get a lil friendly if you know what I mean. And you don't want that (yes you do).
Have a great weekend my peeps.

1 comment:

Gus said...

I don't know man. You are almost 30.