Saturday, June 10, 2006


What a shitty way to start a weekend. I got roped into coming into work and doing some pre-inventory prepping. Our inventory starts next weekend and it usually takes up two full weekends. We decided to start at 8 o'clock this morning.
I quit drinking last night somewhere around 2.
I started drinking right after work at about 5.30 last night.
And I don't remember eating anything, except for the buffalo chicken wing and jalapeno popper I stole from Go-Go and Reg.
The result of all of this is me waking up at 7.30, not quite knowing fully where I am at (I was at home in my bed), with the lights and tv still on, and my contacts still in my eyes from the night before. Not exactly an ideal way to start the day.
Here in aboot another hour or so I am gonna roll over to Erik & Mrs. G's and check out their garage sale action. I scored a couple of sweet beer glasses and a book from them last night when I stopped by. Those Guttormsens are alright in my book.
After the garage sale, I have a special, double-secret probation mission that I must complete. I will fill you all in on the details Monday morning hopefully (like you care). And then I am going to sleep. I may try to make it to Jackmove's show, but being hungover and hanging out in a bar full of people listening to music turned all the way up to eleven doesn't sound like much fun right now.
I think I'm going to go throw up now. Later.


Gus said...

I am glad I could be the one that walked into Chinese Garden right before you left and convince you that "just one more" was a good idea. Ha ha sucka.

n8 b said...

it wasn't the "one more" at the was the "i don't fucking remember how many more" that were consumed throughout the night