Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I'm One Handsome Sonuvabitch

So I was surfing the internet and came across a little webpage called It looks like this page is for storing a family tree but they have one other cool feature. You submit a photo of your face and it matches it to it's celebrity database to see who has the same face structure as you. I decided to submit a pic of myself and see how it turned out.

Here is the pic I took of myself on my camera phone while I was working. I then submitted it to and anxiously awaited the results. When the results popped up, I was not surprised. I already knew I was handsome.
67% match to Paul Walker (So that's why Jessica Alba won't leave me alone....)
51% match to Jean Claude Van-Damme (and I do know some kung-fu)
47% match to both James Dean and Julio Iglesias and a 45% match to Lleyton Hewitt.

So I decided to try one more pic and see how the results varied. And I would share pic number 2 with you but after inspecting it I noticed I had a booger in my nose. Awesome. I'm thinking I may save that one for Christmas cards this year.
Anyways the results were way different the second time around.
62% match to Kurt Cobain (I'm so fucking ecstatic right now)
59% match to Patrick Swayze (wtf?), 56% match to Denzel Washington (seriously, wtf?), 56% match to Elvis Presley (no comment), 54% match to P. Diddy, 50% match to Scarlett Johansson (she's purdy), 50% match to Bam Margera (It could've been Don Vito), 46% match to Carson Daly

Check it out for yourself. Who's face does yours resemble?


Emily:) said...

I am terrified of this picture!

n8 b said...


Emily:) said...


Gus said...

Mine was some Old Guy and a few other random ones, but the ones I liked were Matthew Broderick and Matthew LeBlanc. I knew I should be an actor.

n8 b said...

thanks alex
I *heart* you too
excuse me while i go slit my wrists