Monday, July 24, 2006

My version of Nate's story

(Scroll down and read Nate's post below first.)

Abby and I were invited to dinner at a friend's house Friday night, so did not get invited to bowling. About 11:30-12:00 Abby drunk dialed Nate to tease him that we stole his david hasselhoff refrigerator magnet (long story) and that we were demanding a case of hefeweizen (and a lemon) or he wasn't getting it back. He reminded us that he had vowed to put a bag of shit on our porch by midnight on Friday if it was not returned, which prompted drunk Abby to boobytrap the front porch with a ransom note, and try to convince me that we should stay up and wait for Nate, and possibly even go to his house to prank him somehow. I had signed up for a golf tournament at 8:00 Saturday and Sunday, and did my best to convince her that Nate was probably passed out at home, she had woken him up, and there was no chance in hell he was coming over to shit on our porch. So both days I played golf, I got about 5 hours of sleep and drank too much the night before, which was fun playing from the blue tees and walking 18 holes at 8:00 in the morning in 80-100 degree heat. AWESOME.

The wedding was about 105 or so, and not only did it start about 25 minutes late, they did EVERY SINGLE thing that you can possibly do during a wedding, including the unity candle, the seating of parents, the verses read aloud, etc. The only cool thing about this 45 min sweat-fest (after the initial 25 min wait), was the Booth's singing a song for the couple like the partridge family. Very sweet, and Booth's sisters (long haired brothers) and parents are pretty talented singers and musicians. Nate was sweating like he was having sex and it WAS funny, even though most of us were sweating too. The reception was pretty good, considering for some reason there was no RSVPs in the invitations, and therefore there were about 50 people more than could fit in the ballroom at the Monticello. Luckily the families were very generous and had enough food and beer to last for the whole party. Nate bitched out after knocking that old lady out (he has a mean left cross that the old ladies never see coming) and the rest of us were left to drink and dance with Garrett and Irena.

Good weekend.

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