Thursday, July 13, 2006

Believe it or Not vol. 4

Todd decided to take up Skydiving last year. He had gone up with a group a few times, and done all the practicing, but still had yet to jump out of a plane. He finally decided to take a private lesson and get over his fear and just do it, and signed up for an early morning flight.

He was up to jump height when the instructor came out of the cockpit, closed the door, and said "Todd, there a few things I should have told you before we came up."
"First, I am a 6th degree black belt."
"Second, I am a raging homosexual."
"Third, you have two choices."

"Either you jump, or I am using you to satisfy my sexual desires."

Todd is telling me this story a few months later, and as I am laughing, I say "No did you jump?"

and he says,

"Yeah, a little at first..."


n8 b said...

The only jumping Todd did was in anticipation of some sweet Brokeback action.

n8 b said...


Gus said...

the offers to go skydiving with a gay blackbelt??? you can all of em tough guy. Me and Nate don't want any of those.

And YOUR name is cheesedick.