Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mmmmmm...... Tacos

Last night, Gus and I headed over to a local bar for some tacos. Every Tuesday the Silver Star has a taco special. Two tacos for one buck is a hell of a deal. I only ate four of them. Plus, they serve alcohol so that's good.
I stopped by and picked up G around 6:30 and we headed to the Star. Our buddy Craig, who we haven't seen in a long time, is in town for a couple of weeks so he came and met us. Craig's in the Navy and stationed in Florida so it was nice to hang out and bullshit with him. Aside from being a seamen, it sounds like Florida is treating him well.
A little while later Mrs. G-Dizzle and the head coach that she coaches with stopped by and enjoyed a little Hefeweizen with us.
Which brings me to point number 3, Hefeweizen is good. Real good.


Gus said...

Hefewiezen is good. And only Widmer will do, with Pyramid and Firehouse coming in a distant second as the only other 2 drinkable hefewiezen's I have had lately.

I know Henry's makes one, because it tastes like ass, and I think there are probably a few smaller breweries that make them, but they brew them different, and they suck.

So take it from me, Widmer Hefewiezen, or no hefewiezen at all, and instead order a New Belgium Skinny Dip (which the bar didn't have last night dammit...)

n8 b said...

mmm. skinny dip

stupid silver star

Emily:) said...

Paulaner Hefeweizen is my favorite ber in the world! Spend some time in Munich during Oktoberfest in the Paulaner tent, and I dare you not to get addicted. I have yet to find a great American wheat beer that compares to German wheat beer. Suggestions are welcome:)

Emily:) said...
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