Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I'm Bored......

I was sitting at my house last night, drinking a beer, when I realized that I was bored. I didn't feel like watching TV, or playing video games. No, I needed something else to pass my time. Right about then my roommate headed outside for a cigarette. BINGO!
At that moment I realized how my roommate is always doing something. Usually it's smoking. Then I thought about my step-dad and how much he smokes. And he always has something to do.
It was settled. I was going to be a smoker.
So I borrowed a smoke from my good buddy Matt Jones at work. And you know what?
Those things taste like ass.
But I am determined. I am now on the patch. It's a three-step program, but I am doing it in reverse. I'm up to two weeks and on the "medium" patch now. This Saturday I get to step up to the "large" patch. I can't fucking wait.
I figure once I have the patch handled, I'll step up to the gum. I figure that way I'll be able to pump some nicotine into my system when I want. Not when some patch releases it.
And you know what? The gum ain't half bad.... If you like the taste of ashtrays. The best part is giving a piece of gum to an unsuspecting friend. Watch the look on their face as the taste of ashtray covers their mouth. Yummy!
I figure that after a week and a half of gum combined with the patch, I'll be ready to step up to the real thing. I've got July 19th copied on my calendar. Wish me luck.
This guy is my hero.

1 comment:

Gus said...

does the gum and patches make you smell as bad as real smokers. because that would be super.